current - 2013
Public institutions and the productivity imperative
Could academic research be more policy influential?
Institutions to promote pro-productivity policies: logic and lessons
The challenge of better regulation: perspectives from the OECD (& Australia)
Reform summit: summit needs to agree reform must occur (op-ed)
Success factors in structural reform: the Australian case
The reform ended when the politics got ugly
Challenges in progressing pro-employment reforms
Making public inquiries, public policy and the public interest
The governance of public policy: lectures in honour of eminent Australians
Restoring trust in public policy: what role for the public service?
‘Managing’ the reform process: what have we learnt?
Foreword, Trading nation Australia's interest in the world markets
Return of the rent-seeking society?
The Australian public service needs to pick up its game (op-ed)
Why the rent-seeking economy is creeping back again (op-ed)
Innovation in the public sector: challenges, opportunities and risks
Towards better regulatory governance: the OECD Council’s recommendations of 2012
Commissioned Reports
Strengthening trans-Tasman Economic Relations: a joint study, 2012
Identifying and Evaluating Regulation Reforms, Research Report, 2011
Carbon Emission Policies in Key Economies, 2011
Executive Remuneration in Australia, 2009
‘Rethinking Regulation', Report to the Prime Minister and Treasurer, Canberra, 2006
2012 - 2008
Advancing the reform agenda: selected speeches
Competition policy’s regulatory innovations: quo vadis?
Independent policy advice and the Productivity Commission
Whither trans-Tasman economic relations? Some emerging themes
Economics, economists and public policy in Australia
Industry assistance in a ‘patchwork economy’
Look before you leap: evidence and health policy
Australia’s mining Boom: What’s the problem?
Successful reform: past lessons, future challenges
Evidence and social Policy: the case of gambling
Regulatory policy at the crossroads: towards a new policy agenda
Advancing Australia's 'human capital agenda'
Statistics, productivity and reform
An economy-wide view: speeches on structural reform
The policy determinants of structural reform in Australia
Back to the future: restoring Australia’s productivity growth
Are we overcoming indigenous disadvantage?
Evidence-based policy making: What is it? How do we get it?
Industry policy for a productive Australia
Health costs and policy in an ageing Australia
Riding the third wave: some challenges in national reform
Review of National Competition Policy Reforms, 2005
Economic Implications of an Ageing Australia, 2005
Review of Automotive Assistance, 2002
Review of the National Access Regime, 2001
Australia’s Gambling Industries, 1999
‘Learning for Life: Review of Higher Education Financing and Policy’, Canberra, 1998
2007 - 2003
Overcoming indigenous disadvantage in Australia
Public inquiries in policy formulation
Domestic transparency in Australia’s economic and trade reforms: the role of “the Commission”
Great expectations: management (and other) lessons from the regulation taskforce
Reducing red tape: does government mean business?
Regulation for Australia’s federation in the 21st century
Tackling the underlying causes of over-regulation: an update
Reducing the regulatory burden: the way forward
Comparing school systems across Australia
Indigenous disadvantage: are we making progress?
Regulation-making in Australia: Is it broke? How do we fix it?
Structural reform Australian-style: lessons for others?
NCP and beyond: an agenda for national reform
An ageing Australia: small beer or big bucks?
The good, the bad and the ugly: economic perspectives on regulation in Australia
Indigenous disadvantage: assessing policy impacts
Gaining from trade liberalisation: some reflections on Australia’s experience
The Productivity Commission's gambling inquiry: 3 years on
Reducing the business costs of regulation
2002 - 1983
Inter-state bidding wars: calling a truce
The contribution to public policy of Professor Richard Hal Snape
Bert’s legacy: a talk to the Society of Modest Members
Regulating Australia’s infrastructure: looking forward
The ‘baby and the bath water’: avoiding efficiency mishaps in regulating monopoly infrastructure
Australia’s interests in the WTO
Competition and the public interest
Competition: the best price regulator
Meeting the challenge of change in regional Australia
Microeconomic reform: beauty or the beast?
Why have a Productivity Commission?
Committing to trade liberalisation in Australia
The anti-dumping experience of a GATT-fearing country
A comment on determining industry policy
Transparency, surveillance and the GATT System
Australia's anti-dumping experience
Trading blocs in the Asia-Pacific area
A role for ERAs in the GATT forum?
Domestic transparency and the functioning of the GATT system
The political problem of adjustment
Economic policy and the adjustment problem
Constrained markets, “surplus” commodities and international barter